Special recipient of service (Särskild delgivningsmottagare)

As a foreign entrepreneur in Sweden, it can be difficult to find a special service recipient. Contact me and I will help you with this important responsibility.

Special recipient of service

If a limited company or an association has no authorized representative who lives in Sweden, the board must appoint and notify a special recipient of service.

A person who can act as authorized representative includes:

  • a member of the board
  • a specific person with authority to sign for the company
  • The CEO of a limited company, but not of an association.

A special service recipient receives documents sent by service.

This recipient is authorized to receive service on behalf of the company or the association. Service means receiving a document and acknowledging receipt.

There are specific rules that determine which documents require service. Examples of such documents include a summons from the district court and a liquidation order from the Swedish Companies Registration Office. The recipient of notifications is responsible for his task but otherwise lacks the authority to represent the company or the association.

What are the requirements for a special recipient of service? A special recipient of service:

  • must be at least 18 years old
  • must be registered in Sweden and have a social security number with ten digits
  • may not have a guardian according to the Parental Code
  • should not be the company's auditor at the same time.


- We specialize in offering service services to foreign entrepreneurs.

- Through our digital process, you can easily sign the agreement and go through the assignment agreement in a smooth way.

- We guarantee a safe and efficient service that meets all your needs as a foreign entrepreneur.


- When it comes to choosing a special recipient of service for foreign entrepreneurs, we are the perfect choice.

- We offer personal help and contact to ensure you get the support you need.

- Choose us to get the best service and support for your unique needs.


I value your time and aim to get you up and running quickly.

You can count on fast and reliable help to indicate me as your special service recipient.

Let's work together!

Your first appointment is free